
Law Firms

Law firms trust Baker & O’Brien to provide expert support and testimony in arbitration and litigation matters for a wide variety of disputes in the oil, gas, chemical, construction, and related industries. With over 30 years of experience, the evidence is overwhelming.

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Baker & O’Brien consultants have testified as experts in international arbitration, U.S. Courts, foreign courts, and in public hearings. Our consultants assist in discovery, site review and analysis, causation analysis, determination of economic damages, application of industry standards and practices, valuation of assets, and evaluation of contracts. Let us proceed.

Case Studies

Mercury Contaminates the Sale of an Offshore Gas Pipeline

July 26, 2024

An oil and gas company purchased a subsea gas pipeline and claimed the seller had withheld information about mercury contamination in the pipeline, which impacted its value. Baker & O’Brien’s consultants examined the information available about pipeline mercury levels and whether the buyer had sufficient information to assess the risks and potential decommissioning costs. Our expert opinions expressed in a technical report, a reply expert report, and a joint expert report were helpful in the settlement of the dispute.

Investigating the Consequences of an Offshore Pipeline Leak

July 26, 2024

Concerning an offshore subsea pipeline leak allegedly caused by a ship anchor strike, Baker & O’Brien was requested to assess the pipeline company’s emergency actions and tactical response. As part of this assignment, we visited the offshore platform to review its operating procedures and leak detection equipment, pipeline operating events, and operator responses. We evaluated the company’s procedures, equipment, and emergency response vis-à-vis industry standards and practices and produced an expert report used by the parties in their settlement.

Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing: From Toxic to Tort

July 26, 2024

A laboratory technician at a synthetic butadiene rubber manufacturing plant alleged that his exposure to the probable carcinogen while collecting and analyzing product samples from reactors caused his blood disorder. Baker & O’Brien assessed his exposures based on his regular work activities by reviewing the reaction rate/product composition data and modeling near-air dispersion. Our expert report, which compared calculated exposures from empirical data to nationally recognized exposure studies, refuted the opposing expert’s opinions and facilitated the resolution of the dispute.