Investigating the Consequences of an Offshore Pipeline Leak

Litigation, North America

Concerning an offshore subsea pipeline leak allegedly caused by a ship anchor strike, Baker & O’Brien was requested to assess the pipeline company’s emergency actions and tactical response. As part of this assignment, we visited the offshore platform to review its operating procedures and leak detection equipment, pipeline operating events, and operator responses. We evaluated the company’s procedures, equipment, and emergency response vis-à-vis industry standards and practices and produced an expert report used by the parties in their settlement.

Thousands of miles of pipelines form an extensive network for transporting oil and gas products from offshore production platforms to onshore terminals. While pipelines are the safest means of transporting this production, the lurking hazards of corrosion, mudslides, seafloor erosion, hurricanes, and third-party damage (like a ship’s anchor) cannot be ignored. These threats can lead to significant pipeline damage, potentially resulting in oil and gas leakage into the ocean.

An offshore oil producer (Company) shut off production after discovering a subsea pipeline leak allegedly caused by a ship anchor strike. Baker & O’Brien was requested to assess the Company’s actions and responses to alarms and the leak's discovery.

Our team visited the offshore platform and investigated its operating procedures for leak prevention and mitigation, its leak detection system (LDS), the LDS alarm history, pipeline operating events, and operator responses. Our investigation included previous events and operator actions in response to leak detection alarms. We considered the manual leak detection method employed after alarms were received and whether an automatic shut-off system would have improved the outcome. We also evaluated the effectiveness of the operator training in the use and interpretation of the LDS and response procedures.

We assessed the Company’s procedures and leak detection equipment vis-à-vis typical industry standards and practices. This included industry practices for pipeline monitoring for liquids, pipeline control room management, and the framework for leak detection programs.

As part of the litigation, Baker & O’Brien produced an expert report. The parties settled the matter before going to trial.

Ajey Chandra

Chief Executive Officer

Oil & Gas Production
Accident / Incident Investigation / Standard of Care / Expert Witness Testimony / Pipeline / Operations and Maintenance / Forensic Analysis / Offshore / Water/Marine
North America